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Santa Rosa Fraud

Santa Rosa Fraud Defense Attorney

Trusted Fraud Defense Representation in Santa Rosa, CA

If you are facing fraud charges in Santa Rosa, CA, you need an experienced and dedicated legal advocate on your side. At Wilber Law Offices, P.C., our Santa Rosa fraud defense lawyers understand the complexities of fraud allegations and work tirelessly to protect your rights, reputation, and future. Whether you are being investigated or have been formally charged, our legal team is ready to craft a strategic defense tailored to your case.

Facing Fraud Charges? Contact Us Today!
Don’t wait—protect your rights and future with an experienced fraud defense attorney. Call (707) 986-4482 now or contact us online for a confidential consultation.

What is Fraud?

Fraud is a broad term that encompasses various criminal activities involving deception, misrepresentation, or dishonesty for financial or personal gain. Fraud charges can arise in both state and federal jurisdictions, and convictions can carry severe penalties, including fines, restitution, and imprisonment. Because fraud often involves intricate financial transactions and documentation, these cases can be highly complex and require a meticulous legal approach.

Common Types of Fraud

There are many different types of fraud, each carrying its own legal implications. Some of the most common types include:

  • Credit Card Fraud – Unauthorized use of another person’s credit or debit card to make purchases or withdraw funds.
  • Identity Theft – Using someone else's personal information without their permission for financial gain.
  • Insurance Fraud – Submitting false insurance claims to receive compensation fraudulently.
  • Bank Fraud – Engaging in deceptive practices to obtain money, assets, or credit from financial institutions.
  • Securities Fraud – Engaging in deceptive practices in the stock or investment markets, such as insider trading.
  • Wire Fraud – Using electronic communications, such as phone or internet, to commit fraudulent activities.
  • Mortgage Fraud – Misrepresenting or omitting crucial information on mortgage applications.
  • Check Fraud – Writing bad checks or forging financial documents to gain money unlawfully.

If you are accused of any form of fraud, seeking legal representation immediately can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

California and Federal Fraud Laws & Penalties

Fraud offenses can be prosecuted under both California state law and federal law, depending on the nature of the alleged crime and the entities involved.

California Fraud Laws

California fraud laws are covered under various sections of the California Penal Code. Common fraud-related offenses include:

  • Penal Code 470 – Forgery
  • Penal Code 476 – Check Fraud
  • Penal Code 484 – Theft by False Pretenses
  • Penal Code 487 – Grand Theft
  • Penal Code 503 – Embezzlement

Penalties for fraud-related convictions in California can range from misdemeanors with fines and probation to felonies with years of incarceration, depending on the circumstances and monetary value involved.

Federal Fraud Laws

Many fraud cases fall under federal jurisdiction, particularly those involving financial institutions, interstate commerce, or federal agencies. Federal fraud charges include:

  • 18 U.S.C. §1019 – Wire Fraud
  • 18 U.S.C. §1341 – Mail Fraud
  • 18 U.S.C. §1346 – Bank Fraud
  • 18 U.S.C. §1347 – Healthcare Fraud
  • 18 U.S.C. §7871 – Tax Fraud

Federal fraud convictions can result in severe penalties, including significant prison sentences and large financial penalties.

Legal Defenses to Fraud Charges

At Wilber Law Offices, P.C., we employ various legal strategies to defend against fraud charges. Common defenses include:

  • Lack of Intent – Fraud charges require proof of intent to deceive. If there was no intentional wrongdoing, charges may be reduced or dismissed.
  • Mistaken Identity – In cases involving online fraud or identity theft, mistaken identity is a viable defense.
  • Insufficient Evidence – The prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that fraud occurred. Weak or circumstantial evidence may not be enough for a conviction.
  • Entrapment – If law enforcement induced or coerced an individual into committing fraud, an entrapment defense may be used.
  • Consent – If the alleged victim consented to the actions that led to fraud charges, it may be a valid defense.

White-Collar Crimes & Fraud

Fraud is often associated with other white-collar crimes, which involve financial deception or dishonesty. These crimes are typically non-violent but carry severe penalties.

Fraud vs. Embezzlement vs. Money Laundering

  • Fraud involves deceiving someone to gain financial benefits (e.g., credit card fraud, insurance fraud).
  • Embezzlement occurs when someone entrusted with money or assets misuses them for personal gain.
  • Money laundering involves hiding the origin of illegally obtained money, often by funneling it through businesses or offshore accounts.

Corporate Fraud vs. Individual Fraud

  • Corporate fraud typically involves fraudulent activity committed within a company (e.g., falsifying financial statements).
  • Individual fraud refers to actions taken by a single person, such as identity theft or check fraud.

Liability for Businesses

  • Companies can be held responsible if employees engage in fraudulent activities.
  • Businesses must have compliance programs to prevent fraudulent practices.
  • A fraud conviction can lead to lawsuits, regulatory penalties, and reputational damage.

Consequences of a Fraud Conviction

A fraud conviction can have long-lasting effects beyond criminal penalties.

Impact on Careers & Professional Licenses

  • Professionals in finance, healthcare, real estate, and law may lose their licenses.
  • A fraud conviction may disqualify individuals from obtaining jobs that require a background check.

Immigration Consequences

  • Non-citizens convicted of fraud could face deportation or denial of visa renewals.
  • Some fraud offenses are considered "crimes of moral turpitude," which can lead to removal from the U.S.

Financial & Personal Consequences

  • A fraud conviction can damage credit scores, making it difficult to secure loans.
  • Finding housing or employment may become challenging with a criminal record.

Investigations & Fraud Charges

Law enforcement agencies use various techniques to investigate fraud, including:

Surveillance & Forensic Accounting

  • Authorities review bank records, business transactions, and digital communications.
  • Forensic accountants analyze suspicious financial activity.

What to Do If You’re Under Investigation

  • Avoid discussing the case with anyone except your attorney.
  • Do not alter or destroy financial records, as this may lead to obstruction charges.

Should You Cooperate with Authorities?

  • Cooperation can sometimes lead to reduced charges, but you should consult an attorney first.
  • Any statements made can be used against you in court.

Why Choose Wilber Law Offices, P.C.?

Our firm is committed to protecting our clients' rights and crafting the best possible defense strategies. When you choose us, you benefit from:

  • Experienced Fraud Defense Attorneys – Our legal team has extensive experience handling complex fraud cases in Santa Rosa and throughout California.
  • Aggressive Defense Strategies – We analyze every aspect of your case to build a strong defense and challenge the prosecution’s evidence.
  • Personalized Legal Representation – We understand that each case is unique, and we provide tailored legal strategies to achieve the best possible outcome.
  • Proven Track Record of Success – We have successfully defended numerous clients against fraud charges and other criminal offenses.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Fraud Charges

Can I be charged with fraud if I didn’t personally profit from the crime?

  • Yes. Fraud charges don’t always require personal financial gain. If you were involved in any deceptive or dishonest activity that led to someone else’s financial loss, you could still face charges.

How long do fraud investigations usually take?

  • Fraud investigations can take weeks, months, or even years, depending on the complexity of the case. Law enforcement agencies may conduct extensive financial audits, interview witnesses, and gather digital evidence before making an arrest.

Can fraud charges be dropped or reduced?

  • Yes, in some cases. If there is insufficient evidence or if your attorney can prove that you lacked intent to commit fraud, the charges may be dismissed or reduced to a lesser offense. Plea bargains may also be an option.

Will I go to jail for fraud, or can I get probation?

  • It depends on the severity of the fraud, the amount of money involved, and your criminal history. Some first-time offenders may qualify for probation, while larger-scale fraud cases often carry mandatory jail or prison time.

Can I clear a fraud conviction from my record?

  • In some cases, yes. Certain fraud convictions can be expunged or sealed, especially if they were misdemeanors and you completed all sentencing requirements. However, felony fraud convictions are more challenging to remove.

What if I didn’t know I was committing fraud?

  • Fraud charges require intent, but if you unknowingly participated in fraudulent activity, you may still be investigated. A strong legal defense can help demonstrate that you had no criminal intent.

Can I be charged with fraud for making a mistake on a loan or tax application?

  • It depends on the circumstances. Honest mistakes typically don’t result in fraud charges, but knowingly providing false information on official documents can lead to criminal liability.

Call (707) 986-4482 or fill out our online contact form today to discuss your case with our Santa Rosa fraud defense attorneys.

Case Dismissed
Case dismissed on eve of trial.
  • Case Dismissed
    Case dismissed on eve of trial.
  • Case Dismissed
    Case dismissed after filing, and before hearing on a motion to suppress evidence.
  • Favorable Outcome
    Client accused of possession of narcotics for sale was convicted at jury trial – Prior to trial, the only offer extended to client was straight prison time. After trial, successfully argued to the court that client should be granted probation with the opportunity to go to ...
  • “Ryan Wilber & Wilber Law Offices helped me a lot (and that’s an understatement!) He was able to negotiate a deal for me that saved my career and kept me out of serious trouble. They are the best in Santa Rosa / Sonoma County.” - William H.
  • “One of the best experiences in my life. Professional, courteous and understanding through whole process.” - Scott J.
  • “I’ve known Ryan for the better part of 20 years, he is very passionate about his work and it shows!” - Beau K.

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