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Santa Rosa DUI Resources

DUI Resources in California
Our DUI Resources section provides information on Vehicle Code Sections, Breathalyzers, and Blood testing, DUI License Suspension, License Suspension Hearings and More.
Contact Wilber Law Offices DUI attorney for a free initial consultation.
Vehicle Code Sections Applicable to DUI Charges
- Sections 23152-23229.1: This body of statutes provide a definition of the misdemeanor and felony drunk driving, along with a few attendant sections.
- Section 23136: The so-called “zero tolerance” law applying to drivers under 21 with 0.01% blood-alcohol.
- Section 23140: Drivers under 21 with blood-alcohol of 0.05% or greater.
- Section 23520-23521: DUI “sentencing” in juvenile court.
- Section 23502: Further provisions for those convicted of Section 23140 (drivers under 21).
- Section 23536 etc: Sentencing provisions for misdemeanor DUI.
- Section 23554 etc: Sentencing provisions for felony DUI.
- Section 23572: Additional penalties (“enhancements”) in misdemeanor drunk driving cases.
- Section 23575 etc: Provisions requiring installation of “ignition interlock devices” (IIDs).
- Sections 23247-23249: Further describes requirements for installing court-ordered ignition interlock devices.
- Sections 23592-23596: More sentencing provisions.
Breathalyzers and Blood Testing
- How Breathalyzers Work: With excellent simplicity, this describes how these machines generally work. This is a very non-scientific description but gives you the basic idea.
- Alcohol Intoxication Testing: Basic overview of blood alcohol testing
- Introduction to Forensic Toxicology: Evaluation and analysis of toxins in one’s blood.
- Breath Testing Machines: Overview of breath testing.
- Intoxilyzer 5000: The (old) standard breathalyzer used by many of the police agencies when investigating DUI.
DUI License Suspension
- DUI License Suspension Statutes: California Vehicle Code sections defining suspensions in DUI cases.
- The DMV: The California Department of Motor Vehicles.
- DMV FAQs: The Department of Motor Vehicle’s answers to frequently asked questions about DUI license suspensions.
- Drivers Under 21: California’s Zero Tolerance license suspension statutes applying to under-21 drivers arrested for DUI.
- The License Suspension Hearing: Questions and answers from the DMV about the administrative hearing to contest the automatic DUI suspension. (Reminder: You must request a hearing within 10 days of arrest or you waive any right to a hearing.)
The best next step in getting all of your questions answered is to schedule a FREE CONSULTATION with Wilber Law Offices today by calling (707) 986-4482.

Case Dismissed
Case dismissed on eve of trial.
Case DismissedCase dismissed on eve of trial.
Case DismissedCase dismissed after filing, and before hearing on a motion to suppress evidence.
Favorable OutcomeClient accused of possession of narcotics for sale was convicted at jury trial – Prior to trial, the only offer extended to client was straight prison time. After trial, successfully argued to the court that client should be granted probation with the opportunity to go to ...

“Ryan Wilber & Wilber Law Offices helped me a lot (and that’s an understatement!) He was able to negotiate a deal for me that saved my career and kept me out of serious trouble. They are the best in Santa Rosa / Sonoma County.” - William H.
“One of the best experiences in my life. Professional, courteous and understanding through whole process.” - Scott J.
“I’ve known Ryan for the better part of 20 years, he is very passionate about his work and it shows!” - Beau K.